F#°7 C/G G7 C
Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me
Verse 2
C C+ Fmaj7 G7 F/C C
Summer and winter and springtime and har - vest
F C/E C D/A A7 D7 G
Sun moon and stars in their cours - es a - bove
G7 C G7/C C Dm C/E Fmaj7
Join with all nature in man - i - fold witness
F#°7 C/G G7 C
To Thy great faithfulness mer - cy and love
Verse 3
C C+ Fmaj7 G7 F/C C
Pardon for sin and a peace that en - dur - eth
F C/E C D/A A7 D7 G
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide
G7 C G7/C C Dm C/E Fmaj7
Strength for to - day and bright hope for to - morrow
F#°7 C/G G7 C
Blessings all mine with ten thou - sand be - side