Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Great is Thy Faithfulness(BR054)(CS063).pro

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Great is Thy Faithfulness(BR054)(CS063).pro
Orig Key: C | New Key:
{title:Great is Thy Faithfulness(BR054)(CS063)}

Key: C

Verse 1

C        C+   Fmaj7         G7       F/C  C
Great is Thy  faithfulness  O God my Fa - ther 
F           C/E     C   D/A    A7   D7   G
There is no shadow  of  turn - ing  with Thee 
G7            C       G7/C  C     Dm    C/E   Fmaj7
Thou changest not Thy com - pas - sions they  fail not 
F#°7         C/G               G7      C
As Thou hast been Thou forev - er wilt be 


G            F/C        C    A7           Gm/D       Dm
Great is Thy faithful - ness great is Thy faithful - ness 
G7         C       Cm6  G/D      D7 G
Morning by morning new  mercies  I  see 
G7         C       G7/C C    Dm   C/E   Fmaj7
All I have needed  Thy  hand hath pro - vided 
F#°7         C/G               G7   C
Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me 

Verse 2

C      C+   Fmaj7      G7             F/C   C
Summer and  winter and springtime and har - vest 
F            C/E      C     D/A     A7  D7  G
Sun moon and stars in their cours - es  a - bove 
G7            C       G7/C C    Dm  C/E   Fmaj7
Join with all nature  in  man - i - fold  witness 
F#°7         C/G                G7     C
To Thy great faithfulness mer - cy and love 

Verse 3

C      C+   Fmaj7     G7              F/C   C
Pardon for  sin and a peace that en - dur - eth 
F            C/E       C   D/A    A7   D7  G
Thy own dear presence  to  cheer  and  to  guide 
G7                C       G7/C    C     Dm   C/E  Fmaj7
Strength for to - day and bright  hope  for  to - morrow 
F#°7          C/G                  G7        C
Blessings all mine with ten thou - sand be - side